Monday, March 25, 2019

The Truth About Menu Boards

Digital Menu Boards are utilized in less than 20% of restaurants in overall nation. The other 80% are needlessly missing out on some incredibly easy and effective ways to increase the bottom line.

What's today's special?

Over half of restaurant customers look to menu boards specifically to find out what's on special. But incredibly, almost half the time the very information that these eager customers were looking for, literally with their money in their hands, was nowhere to be found! For the 80%, it's easy to see why. Imagine how difficult it would be to change static chalkboard signage every time you change your special. For owners of digital display systems, what's on your display can be changed at the touch of a button, with the changes automatically reflected in your POS system, too.

This disadvantage is especially crushing if your major target consumers are younger. The Millennials, perhaps the most important demographic for QSR establishments, are less set in their ways about everything, including the food that they eat. They are looking for new food experiences and your meal specials are prime candidates. Why would you want to miss this opportunity?

One picture is worth 1000 words:

QSR customers are in a hurry. They won't take a time to read lengthy explanations. That's why pictures are essential, especially if you're promoting a new menu item. A tantalizing vision of your latest promotional special, in all its mouthwatering glory in living color, will have your customers reaching for their wallets far faster than any verbal description. While posting great pictures is as easy as a few taps on a keyboard for operators boasting digital display systems, it will present much more of a challenge for those still stuck with chalkboard or painted signage.

Greater control with digital signage:

For franchises or other types of multi-site operators, what customers see on menu boards can be centrally controlled. A new limited time offer and new pricing can be made to appear at all your locations, whether they are on the other side of town, or on the other side of the continent. And, if you're spending millions on advertising that great new blockbuster offer on the web and on TV, you want to make sure that what your hungry, eager customers see on your menu signs is in sync with the expectations that you spent so much time, effort and money in creating.

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